100 Italian love quotes with English translation

Italian love quotes are sentences in Italian that talk about love. They express feelings of love in a sweet or romantic way. People use them to show love to someone special or to express affection to friends or family. These quotes can be found in poems, songs, or even just in regular conversations. They come from Italian poets, writers, or songs that celebrate love. Here are some examples: see also on pinterest

100 Italian love quotes with English translation
100 Italian love quotes with English translation

examples of italian quotes for love

  1. “Ti amo” means “I love you” in Italian. It’s a direct way to show love.
  2. “La vita è un sogno, e l’amore ne è il sogno più dolce” means “Life is a dream, and love is its sweetest dream.” It talks about how love makes life better.
  3. “L’amore vince sempre” means “Love always wins.” It says that love is strong and can overcome anything.
  4. “Sei la mia anima gemella” means “You are my soulmate.” It’s about feeling deeply connected to someone.
  5. “Amare è vivere, vivere è amare” means “To love is to live, to live is to love.” It talks about how love is important for a happy life.

These quotes are full of emotion and can be used to express love to someone special to us. apart from this quotes and phrases i listed above, italian love quotes can also be advanced into two or more types. first let go ahead and list each of those quotes about boyfriends, girlfriend, husband or wife.

Italian love quotes for boyfriend

Italian love quotes for a boyfriend are sweet sayings or phrases in the Italian language that express affection and romantic feelings towards a boyfriend. These quotes are often used to convey love, admiration, and devotion in a heartfelt way. In this case, below are 20 Italian love quotes for a boyfriend:

English TranslationItalian Original
You are my everything.Tu sei il mio tutto.
My love for you is eternal.Il mio amore per te è eterno.
You make my heart sing.Tu fai cantare il mio cuore.
You are my soulmate.Tu sei la mia anima gemella.
Every moment with you is precious.Ogni momento con te è prezioso.
You are the light of my life.Sei la luce della mia vita.
I am crazy about you.Sono pazzo di te.
My love for you grows stronger every day.Il mio amore per te cresce più forte ogni giorno.
You are the love of my life.Sei l’amore della mia vita.
You complete me.Tu mi completi.
With you, I am whole.Con te, sono intero.
I am deeply in love with you.Sono follemente innamorato di te.
You are my sunshine.Tu sei il mio sole.
Your love fills my heart.Il tuo amore riempie il mio cuore.
I cherish every moment with you.Valorizzo ogni momento con te.
You are my happiness.Tu sei la mia felicità.
I love you more than anything.Ti amo più di qualsiasi cosa.
You are my one and only.Sei il mio unico amore.
My heart belongs to you.Il mio cuore ti appartiene.
You are the best thing in my life.
Sei la cosa migliore della mia vita.
Italian love quotes for my boyfriend

Italian love quotes for girlfriend

Italian love quotes for a girlfriend are sweet sayings or phrases in the Italian language that express affection and adoration towards one’s romantic partner. These quotes are often used to convey deep emotions and appreciation for the love shared between a couple. They can be romantic, passionate, or poetic, and are commonly used to express feelings of love and devotion.

In this section, i have listed over 20 different italian love quotes you can use to please your girlfriend at home.

20 Italian quotes for girlfriend

Italian QuoteEnglish Translation
Ti amo più della mia stessa vita.I love you more than my own life.
Sei la mia anima gemella.You are my soulmate.
Il mio cuore batte solo per te.My heart beats only for you.
Sei la stella che illumina la mia vita.You are the star that lights up my life.
Senza di te, non sono nulla.Without you, I am nothing.
Amarti è come respirare per me.Loving you is like breathing for me.
Tu sei l’amore della mia vita.You are the love of my life.
Sei il mio sogno diventato realtà.You are my dream come true.
Il mio amore per te non conosce confini.My love for you knows no bounds.
In ogni battito del mio cuore, c’è il tuo nome.In every beat of my heart, there is your name.
Tu sei la mia ragione di sorridere.You are my reason to smile.
Il tuo amore è il mio tesoro più prezioso.Your love is my most precious treasure.
Ogni momento con te è un dono.Every moment with you is a gift.
Con te, ogni giorno è San Valentino.With you, every day is Valentine’s Day.
Amarti è il senso della mia vita.Loving you is the meaning of my life.
Tu sei la musica del mio cuore.You are the music of my heart.
Non posso immaginare la vita senza di te.I can’t imagine life without you.
Sei il mio raggio di sole in un giorno nuvoloso.You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.
La tua bellezza mi toglie il fiato.Your beauty takes my breath away.
Innamorarsi di te è stato inevitabile.Falling in love with you was inevitable.
Italian love quotes for girlfriend

funny Italian love quotes

Funny Italian love quotes are sayings in the Italian language that express humor and affection towards love and relationships. These quotes often use playful language and witty expressions to convey romantic sentiments in a lighthearted manner.

In this section, i have listed 2o italian funny love quotes you can use.

20 funny italian love quotes

Italian Quote (English Translation)
“Amore a prima vista… o devo camminare di nuovo?” (Love at first sight… or should I walk by again?)
“Sei così dolce che mi viene il diabete.” (You’re so sweet that I’m getting diabetes.)
“Sei un sogno che è diventato realtà… ma mi sa che devo svegliarmi.” (You’re a dream come true… but I think I need to wake up.)
“Sei il mio pezzo di cioccolato preferito: non posso resisterti.” (You’re my favorite piece of chocolate: I can’t resist you.)
“Sei l’unico pesce nel mio mare.” (You’re the only fish in my sea.)
“Mi fai ridere come una scimmia.” (You make me laugh like a monkey.)
“Sei il mio principe/principessa… anche se hai qualche difetto da fiaba.” (You’re my prince/princess… even if you have a few fairy tale flaws.)
“Sei come il caffè: mi fai tremare le mani e battere il cuore.” (You’re like coffee: you make my hands shake and my heart beat faster.)
“Sei così carino/a che potrei mangiarti… ma non credo che tu saresti gustoso/a.” (You’re so cute that I could eat you… but I don’t think you’d taste good.)
“Il tuo sorriso illumina il mio mondo più del sole.” (Your smile lights up my world more than the sun.)
“Sei il mio cuore rubato: hai la chiave per riportarlo indietro.” (You’re my stolen heart: you have the key to bring it back.)
“Il tuo amore è come la pizza: non posso mai averne abbastanza.” (Your love is like pizza: I can never get enough.)
“Sei la mia fortuna: mi porti sempre buona sorte.” (You’re my lucky charm: you always bring me good luck.)
“Il tuo amore è come un labirinto… ma sono felice di perdermi in te.” (Your love is like a maze… but I’m happy to get lost in you.)
“Sei la mia metà mancante: insieme, siamo un puzzle completo.” (You’re my missing piece: together, we’re a complete puzzle.)
“Il tuo bacio è come una poesia: dolce, appassionato e senza fine.” (Your kiss is like a poem: sweet, passionate, and never-ending.)
“Sei il mio rifugio sicuro in questo mondo pazzo.” (You’re my safe haven in this crazy world.)
“Amore mio, sei il mio GPS del cuore: mi guidi sempre nella direzione giusta.” (My love, you’re my heart’s GPS: you always lead me in the right direction.)
“Mi fai perdere la testa… ma almeno sono in buona compagnia.” (You make me lose my mind… but at least I’m in good company.)
“Sei come una canzone: riesci a sollevare il mio spirito ogni volta che ti sento.” (You’re like a song: you lift my spirits every time I hear you.)
funny italian love quotes


“Italian love quote with English translation” means phrases about love written in Italian, the language spoken in Italy. When these quotes are translated into English, they are turned into words we can understand. These quotes are special because they express love and affection. They might talk about things like how someone feels when they’re in love or how much they care about someone else. They’re like little messages of love that people can share with each other. And by translating them into English, people who don’t speak Italian can still enjoy and understand the loving feelings behind these quotes.

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