20 popular Spanish sayings about love with meaning

Spanish sayings about love are romantic words, phrases, wisdom and advices related to love and relationships. In Spanish culture, like in many others, people have lots of sayings and wise words that talk about feelings, especially love.

These sayings talk about different parts of love, like when people are in love with someone romantically, or when they love their family or friends, or even when they love themselves. These sayings can help us understand what love is like, the problems it might bring, how wonderful it can be, and how important it is in life.

In this detailed article, we will be looking into certain spanish sayings about love with their meaning in english language and pronunciations.

20 spanish saying about love with pronuncaition

Below are some popular spanish saying about love with their pronunciation and meaning. Memorizing them will help you flow accurately when confessing love to your spanish friend. SEE OTHER SPANISH PHRASES

El amor todo lo puede

Love has the power to overcome any obstacle or challenge, making it a force to be reckoned with in life. Below is the pronunciation and meaning of this spanish saying.

Pronunciation: “el ah-mohr toh-doh loh pweh-deh.”
Meaning: Love conquers all.

This spanish saying can be used while trying to reconciel lovers or partner.

Amor de lejos, amor de pendejos

Pronunciation: “ah-mohr deh leh-hos, ah-mohr deh pen-deh-hos.”
Meaning: Long-distance love is for fools.
Explanation: This saying suggests that maintaining a romantic relationship from a distance is often impractical or foolish.

El amor es ciego

Pronunciation: “el ah-mohr es see-eh-go.”
Meaning: Love is blind.
Explanation: Love can make us overlook flaws or shortcomings in the object of our affection, blinding us to their imperfections.

Amar es encontrar en la felicidad de otro la propia felicidad

Pronunciation: “ah-mar es en-kon-trar en la feh-lee-see-dad deh o-troh lah proh-pee-ah feh-lee-see-dad.”
Meaning: To love is to find in another’s happiness one’s own happiness.
Explanation: True love involves selflessness and finding joy in the happiness and well-being of your partner.

El primer amor nunca se olvida

Pronunciation: “el pree-mer ah-mohr noo-ncah seh ol-vee-dah.”
Meaning: First love is never forgotten.
Explanation: The intensity and innocence of a first love often leave a lasting impression on the heart, even as time passes.

This saying is used is used in terms of first lovers who either come back or about to.

Amor de madre, agua en el mar

Pronunciation: “ah-mohr deh ma-dreh, ah-gwah en el mahr.”
Meaning: A mother’s love is like water in the sea.
This saying highlights the boundless and unconditional nature of a mother’s love, which is as abundant as water in the vast ocean.

El amor entra por los ojos

Pronunciation: “el ah-mohr en-tra por lohs oh-hos.”
Meaning: Love enters through the eyes.
Initial attraction often begins with visual perception, as we are drawn to someone’s physical appearance before getting to know them deeply.

Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan

Pronunciation: “don-deh oo-boh fweh-go, seh-nee-shas keh-dahn.”
Meaning: Where there was fire, ashes remain.
Even after a relationship ends, traces of it linger, whether in memories or feelings, reminding us of what once was.

El amor todo lo perdona

Pronunciation: “el ah-mohr toh-doh loh pehr-doh-nah.”
Meaning: Love forgives everything.
Love has the capacity to forgive even the gravest of mistakes or wrongdoings, fostering reconciliation and growth in relationships.

En el amor y en la guerra, todo se vale

  • Pronunciation: “en el ah-mohr ee en la gweh-rah, toh-doh seh bah-leh.”
  • Meaning: In love and war, everything is fair.
  • This saying implies that in situations of intense emotion or conflict, people may resort to unconventional or extreme measures to achieve their goals or desires.

Quien bien te quiere, te hará llorar

Pronunciation: “kyen byen teh kyeh-reh, teh ah-rah lyo-rahr.”
Meaning: He who loves you well will make you cry.
True love involves honesty and sometimes confronting painful truths, which can lead to tears but ultimately strengthens the bond between two people.

El amor es como el agua que se filtra por todas partes

Pronunciation: “el ah-mohr es koh-moh el ah-gwah keh seh feel-trah por toh-das pahr-tes.”
Meaning: Love is like water that seeps through everywhere.
Explanation: Love permeates every aspect of life, flowing into every crevice and bringing nourishment and vitality wherever it goes.

El amor no tiene edad

Pronunciation: “el ah-mohr noh tyeh-neh eh-dahd.”
Meaning: Love knows no age.
Explanation: Love transcends the boundaries of age, allowing people of different generations to form deep and meaningful connections.

El amor es un juego en el que ambos jugadores pueden ganar.

Pronunciation: “el ah-mohr es oon xweh-go en el keh ahm-bohs xu-gah-doh-rehs pweh-dehn gah-nahr.”
Meaning: Love is a game where both players can win.
Explanation: In a healthy relationship, both partners contribute to each other’s happiness and fulfillment, leading to mutual growth and success.

Amor de playa, no dura una semana.

Pronunciation: “ah-mohr deh plah-yah, noh doo-rah oo-nah seh-mah-nah.”
Meaning: Beach love doesn’t last a week.
Explanation: This saying suggests that relationships based solely on superficial attractions or short-term flings are unlikely to endure.

Amar es encontrar en la paz de otro la propia paz.

Pronunciation: “ah-mar es en-kon-trar en la pahs deh o-troh lah proh-pee-ah pahs.”
Meaning: To love is to find in another’s peace one’s own peace.
Explanation: Love brings tranquility and harmony, allowing individuals to find solace and contentment in each other’s presence.

En el amor, la distancia es como el viento: apaga los pequeños fuegos y aviva los grandes.

Pronunciation: “en el ah-mohr, lah dis-tan-syah es koh-moh el byen-to: ah-pah-gah lohs peh-keh-nyohs fweh-gos ee ah-vee-vah lohs gran-dehs.”
Meaning: In love, distance is like the wind: it extinguishes small fires and ignites great ones.
Explanation: While physical separation can weaken some relationships, it can intensify the passion and commitment in others, proving the depth of love.

Amor de telenovela, pasión de primavera.

Pronunciation: “ah-mohr deh teh-leh-noh-veh-lah, pah-see-on deh pree-mah-veh-rah.”
Meaning: Soap opera love, springtime passion.
Explanation: This saying humorously refers to fleeting, melodramatic romances that burn brightly but fade quickly, much like the ephemeral beauty of spring.

Amor con amor se paga.

Pronunciation: “ah-mohr kon ah-mohr seh pah-gah.”
Meaning: Love is repaid with love.
Explanation: Love thrives on reciprocity and mutual affection, as genuine care and devotion are exchanged between partners.

Amor de verano, amor de engaño.

Pronunciation: “ah-mohr deh veh-rah-no, ah-mohr deh en-gah-nyoh.”
Meaning: Summer love, deceitful love.
Explanation: Relationships formed during the carefree days of summer vacation are often temporary and based more on infatuation than genuine connection.

In conclusion to spanish saying about love

In summary, Spanish sayings about love share valuable lessons about relationships. They tell us about the ups and downs of love in easy-to-understand ways. These sayings teach us about the happiness of loving someone and the challenges we might face. Whether it’s about the joy of being together or the sadness of love lost, these sayings help us understand love better. So, let’s cherish these wise words as we learn more about the wonderful world of love. HOW TO SAY I LOVE YOU IN SPANISH

alright guys, we stop here as i will see you in my next article, cheers.

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