50 Beautiful Chinese quotes and saying with their meaning

Beautiful Chinese quotes and saying are used to convey meaning and deepness into a sentence, in some culture it is used by elders to talk to young ones when they want them to think deeper to get the meaning of what they are saying.

Chinese culture is known for a tradition rich with wisdom, philosophy, and profound insights into human nature and lifestyles. At the heart of this tradition lie the countless proverbs and sayings passed down through generation to generation, encapsulating centuries of inherited knowledge and experience.
well In this article, we go deeper into the essence of Chinese wisdom, the use exploring the power and resonance of these timeless proverbs and sayings.
If you are not a Chinese native, its time to learn this quotes for communicating with you Chinese friends or customers.
This quotes are divided into 6 parts based on what their use and applications; quotes for marriage, lifestyles, advices and everyday life experience gathered from philosophy and wisdom of Chinese culture.


beautiful chinese quotes and meaning

Chinese quotes for love and relationship:

Below are top ten Chinese quotes and sayings related to love and relationships:

  1. “一见钟情” (Yījiàn zhōngqíng) – “Love at first sight.”
  2. “缘分” (Yuánfèn) – “Fate or destiny that brings people together.”
  3. “情比金坚” (Qíng bǐ jīn jiān) – “Love is stronger than gold.”
  4. “海枯石烂” (Hǎi kū shí làn) – “Love that withstands the test of time, enduring like the sea and rocks.”
  5. “两情相悦” (Liǎng qíng xiāng yuè) – “Mutual affection between two people.”
  6. “情人眼里出西施” (Qíngrén yǎn lǐ chū Xīshī) – “In the eyes of a lover, one sees the beauty of Xi Shi.” (Xi Shi was one of the Four Beauties of ancient China, symbolizing ideal beauty.)
  7. “情非得已” (Qíng fēi dé yǐ) – “Love cannot be forced.”
  8. “落花有意,流水无情” (Luòhuā yǒuyì, liúshuǐ wúqíng) – “Falling flowers may have intentions, but flowing water is indifferent.” (Refers to unrequited love and the acceptance of moving on.)
  9. “生生世世,情长意远” (Shēngshēng shìshì, qíng cháng yì yuǎn) – “Lifetime after lifetime, love remains profound and sincere.”
  10. “爱屋及乌” (Ài wū jí wū) – “Love me, love my dog.” (Implies acceptance and affection for everything associated with the loved one.)

These quotes and sayings capture various aspects of love and relationships in Chinese culture, ranging from the romantic to the philosophical.


Prosperity is the experince of everyday life in all culture and i have gathered some chinese quotes and sayings when talking about prosperity.

Here are 10 Chinese quotes and sayings related to prosperity:

  1. “富贵在天” (Fù guì zài tiān) – “Wealth and honor come from heaven.”
  2. “滴水穿石” (Dī shuǐ chuān shí) – “Dripping water penetrates the stone.” (Persistence leads to success.)
  3. “一分耕耘,一分收获” (Yī fēn gēng yún, yī fēn shōu huò) – “One minute of hard work, one minute of harvest.”
  4. “有钱能使鬼推磨” (Yǒu qián néng shǐ guǐ tuī mó) – “Money can make the devil push a grindstone.” (Money makes the impossible possible.)
  5. “穷则思变” (Qióng zé sī biàn) – “Being poor makes you think.”
  6. “骑驴找马” (Qí lǘ zhǎo mǎ) – “Riding a donkey while looking for a horse.” (Seeking better opportunities.)
  7. “财源滚滚” (Cái yuán gǔn gǔn) – “A rolling source of wealth.”
  8. “日进斗金” (Rì jìn dǒu jīn) – “Making a ton of gold every day.” (Making a lot of money every day.)
  9. “富不过三代” (Fù bù guò sān dài) – “Wealth does not pass three generations.” (Wealth can be easily squandered if not managed properly.)
  10. “一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴” (Yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn, cùn jīn nán mǎi cùn guāng yīn) – “An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, but can never buy an inch of time.”

These quotes encapsulate various aspects of prosperity, from hard work and persistence to the value of time and resource management.

Parental Advice quotes and saying

Here are ten Chinese quotes and sayings that offer parental advice:

  1. “教养子女,须如蜜蜂酿蜜,一滴一滴,日积月累。”
    Translation: “To raise children is like bees making honey, one drop at a time, accumulating day by day.”
  2. “家教胜过学校教育。”
    Translation: “Family education is better than school education.”
  3. “父母在,不远游,游必有方。”
    Translation: “When parents are around, one should not wander far. If one does wander, there should be a clear purpose.”
  4. “不打不成器,打得要有度。”
    Translation: “Without discipline, one cannot succeed; however, discipline should be administered with moderation.”
  5. “教子有方,须自有方。”
    Translation: “To teach children effectively, parents must first have a clear direction themselves.”
  6. “父母是孩子的第一任老师。”
    Translation: “Parents are the child’s first teachers.”
  7. “教养子女,先教学礼。”
    Translation: “In raising children, one should first teach them manners.”
  8. “滴水穿石,非一日之功。”
    Translation: “Dripping water wears away stone; nothing is achieved overnight.”
  9. “慈父慈母,教出英雄儿女。”
    Translation: “Kind fathers and loving mothers raise heroic sons and daughters.”
  10. “教育孩子,要像种树一样,时时刻刻注重。”
    Translation: “Educating children is like planting trees; it requires constant attention.”

Here are ten Chinese quotes and sayings related to marriage:

  1. “白头偕老” (bái tóu xié lǎo) – “May we grow old together with white hair.”
  2. “一见钟情,百年修得” (yī jiàn zhōng qíng, bǎi nián xiū dé) – “Love at first sight, a hundred years’ of cultivation.”
  3. “夫妻本是同林鸟,大难临头各自飞” (fū qī běn shì tóng lín niǎo, dà nàn lín tóu gè zì fēi) – “Husband and wife are like birds in the same forest; when calamity approaches, each flies off to their own branch.”
  4. “闺房无大事,三更有主人” (guī fáng wú dà shì, sān gēng yǒu zhǔ rén) – “In the bridal chamber, there are no major issues; in the middle of the night, there’s someone in charge.”
  5. “夫唱妇随” (fū chàng fù suí) – “As the husband sings, so does the wife follow.”
  6. “患难见真情” (huàn nàn jiàn zhēn qíng) – “Adversity reveals true feelings.”
  7. “妻贤夫祸少” (qī xián fū huò shǎo) – “With a virtuous wife, there are few calamities for the husband.”
  8. “丈夫是座山,妻子是住在山上的水” (zhàng fū shì zuò shān, qī zi shì zhù zài shān shàng de shuǐ) – “The husband is like a mountain, the wife is like water living on the mountain.”
  9. “夫妻一条心,黄土变成金” (fū qī yī tiáo xīn, huáng tǔ biàn chéng jīn) – “With unity between husband and wife, even yellow earth turns into gold.”
  10. “妻贤夫祸少,夫贤妻福多” (qī xián fū huò shǎo, fū xián qī fú duō) – “With a virtuous wife, there are few calamities for the husband; with a virtuous husband, there is much happiness for the wife.”

These quotes and sayings reflect various aspects of marriage in Chinese culture, including love, harmony, mutual support, and the importance of virtuous partners.

Here are 10 Chinese quotes and sayings that offer wisdom for everyday life:

  1. “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” (七転び八起き – Qī diǎn bùqǐ) – This proverb emphasizes resilience and the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.
  2. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” (千里之行,始于足下 – Qiānlǐ zhī xíng, shǐ yú zú xià) – Encouraging individuals to take the first step towards their goals, no matter how daunting they may seem.
  3. “Patience is a bitter plant, but its fruit is sweet.” (忍耐是一棵苦树,但它的果实是甜的 – Rěnnài shì yī kē kǔ shù, dàn tā de guǒshí shì tián de) – Reminds us of the value of patience and perseverance in achieving long-term success and fulfillment.
  4. “He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.” (不耻下问者五分钟愚,耻于问者终身愚 – Bùchǐ xià wèn zhě wǔ fēnzhōng yú, chǐ yú wèn zhě zhōngshēn yú) – Encourages curiosity and the willingness to seek knowledge by asking questions.
  5. “A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.” (宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来 – Bǎo jiàn fēng cóng mó lì chū, méihuā xiāng zì kǔhán lái) – Highlights the importance of challenges and difficulties in personal growth and development.
  6. “Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” (宁可点燃一支蜡烛,胜过诅咒黑暗 – Nìngkě diǎnrán yī zhī làzhú, shèngguò zǔzhòu hēi’àn) – Encourages proactive action and optimism in the face of adversity.
  7. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” (种树最好的时间是二十年前,其次是现在 – Zhòng shù zuì hǎo de shíjiān shì èrshí nián qián, qícì shì xiànzài) – Emphasizes the importance of taking action and making positive changes in the present moment.
  8. “Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still.” (不怕慢,就怕站 – Bù pà màn, jiù pà zhàn) – Encourages steady progress and persistence towards goals, regardless of the pace.

These quotes and sayings offer timeless wisdom that can inspire and guide us in our daily lives, encouraging us to cultivate virtues such as resilience, patience, perseverance, and gratitude.

five famous beautiful chinese quotes and meaning

  1. “不怕慢,就怕站。” (Bù pà màn, jiù pà zhàn.)
  • Meaning: “Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still.”
  • Explanation: This proverb emphasizes the importance of continuous progress and perseverance. It encourages individuals to keep moving forward towards their goals, even if progress is slow, rather than becoming stagnant or giving up entirely.
  1. “千里之行,始于足下。” (Qiānlǐ zhī xíng, shǐ yú zú xià.)
  • Meaning: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
  • Explanation: This proverb underscores the significance of taking the first step towards achieving one’s goals. It emphasizes the idea that even the most ambitious endeavors start with small, manageable actions, and encourages individuals to initiate their journey towards success without hesitation.
  1. “学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?” (Xué ér shí xí zhī, bù yì yuè hū? Yǒu péng zì yuǎnfāng lái, bù yì lè hū?)
  • Meaning: “Is it not a pleasure to learn and practice what you have learned? Is it not also a pleasure to have friends come from afar?”
  • Explanation: This quote, attributed to Confucius, highlights the joys of learning and the value of friendship. It suggests that both the pursuit of knowledge and the companionship of friends bring happiness and fulfillment to life.
  1. “青山不改,绿水长流。” (Qīngshān bù gǎi, lǜshuǐ cháng liú.)
  • Meaning: “The green mountains do not change; the clear waters flow forever.”
  • Explanation: This saying conveys the idea of constancy and enduring beauty in nature. It suggests that while the world around us may change, certain natural elements remain constant and timeless, symbolizing stability and tranquility in the face of life’s uncertainties.
  1. “金无足赤,人无完人。” (Jīn wú zú chì, rén wú wán rén.)
  • Meaning: “Gold cannot be pure, and people cannot be perfect.”
  • Explanation: This proverb acknowledges the imperfections inherent in both material objects and human beings. It reminds us that striving for perfection is futile and unrealistic, and instead encourages acceptance of our flaws and imperfections as part of the human experience.


This beautiful chinese quotes and meaning eflect themes such as perseverance, adaptability, resilience, and the beauty of life’s journey in Chinese philosophy and culture.

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