(50 PHRASES)How to say good morning my love in french

The phrase “good morning my love in french” means “bonjour mon amour”. it is a context for expressing love and regarding your loved one. it might be your wife, girlfriend or beloved child. This context is mostly used by lovers. Imagine waking up to the soft glow of sunlight and feeling a rush of warmth in your heart. Saying “bonjour mon amour”. in French means simply telling your love good morning. It’s like wrapping them in a cozy hug right at the start of the day. These words hold so much sweetness and promise, like a gentle reminder that you’re cherished.

In this article, we will explore different phrases to say goodmorning my love in french. If this impress you then read this article to the end so you can understand the pronunciation and meaning. with this all said, let’s get started now.

how to say goodmorning my love in french
how to say goodmorning my love in french

50 ways to say good morning my love in french

In this chapter, i have listed over 50 ways to say good morning my love in french language. This does not comprises French alone, i also listed their pronunciations. I also added their english meaning for non french citizen to understand everything properly.

Bonjour, mon amour.

  • Pronunciation: (bohn-zhoor, mohn ah-moor)
  • emglish:- Good morning, my love.

Bon matin, mon amour.

  • Pronunciation: (bohn mah-tahn, mohn ah-moor)
  • enmglish: – Good morning, my love.

Salut, mon chéri.

  • Pron:(sah-loo, mohn shay-ree)
  • english: – Hi, my darling.

Coucou, mon cœur.

  • pron: (coo-coo, mohn kur)
  • english:- Hey, my heart.

Bonjour, mon ange.

pron: (bohn-zhoor, mohn ahnzh)
english:- Good morning, my angel.

Coucou, ma douce.

  • pron: (coo-coo, mah doos)
  • english:- Hey, my sweet.

Salut, ma princesse.

  • pron:(sah-loo, mah prahn-sehss)
  • english: – Hi, my princess.

Hello, mon trésor.

  • pron:(heh-loh, mohn tray-zohr)
  • english:- Hello, my treasure.

Bonjour, mon amour de ma vie.

  • pron:(bohn-zhoor, mohn ah-moor duh mah vee)
  • english:- Good morning, my love of my life.

Bon matin, ma moitié.

  • pron: (bohn mah-tahn, mah mwa-tee-ay)
  • english:- Good morning, my half.

Hello, mon bébé.

  • pron: (heh-loh, mohn beh-beh)
  • english”- Hello, my baby.

Bonjour, ma belle.

  • pron:(bohn-zhoor, mah behl)
  • english:- Good morning, my beautiful.

Salut, mon bijou.

  • pron:(sah-loo, mohn bee-zhoo)
  • english:- Hi, my jewel.

Coucou, mon rayon de soleil.

  • pron: (coo-coo, mohn ray-on duh soh-lay)
  • english: – Hey, my sunshine.

Hello, mon trésor précieux.

  • pronunciation: (heh-loh, mohn tray-zohr pray-syoo)
  • english: – Hello, my precious treasure.

Bonjour, mon petit chou.

  • pron: (bohn-zhoor, mohn puh-tee shoo)
  • english:- Good morning, my little cabbage (term of endearment).

Bonjour, mon amour éternel.

  • pron: (bohn-zhoor, mohn ah-moor ay-tehr-nel)
  • english:- Good morning, my eternal love.

Salut, mon prince charmant.

  • pron:(sah-loo, mohn prahnss shahr-mahn)
  • english:- Hi, my charming prince.

Coucou, ma perle rare.

  • pron: (coo-coo, mah pehrl rahr)
  • english:- Hey, my rare pearl.

Hello, mon étoile brillante.

  • pron: (heh-loh, mohn ay-twahl bree-yahnt)
  • english:- Hello, my shining star.

Bonjour, mon cher et tendre.

  • pron:(bohn-zhoor, mohn shehr ay tahndr)
  • english:- Good morning, my dear and tender.

Bonjour, mon doux rêve.

  • pron:(bohn-zhoor, mohn doo rev)
  • english: – Good morning, my sweet dream.

Salut, mon ami précieux.

  • pron:(sah-loo, mohn ah-mee pray-syoo)
  • english:- Hi, my precious friend.

Coucou, mon doux amour.

  • pron:(coo-coo, mohn doo ah-moor)
  • english:- Hey, my sweet love.

Hello, mon bel amour.

  • pron: (heh-loh, mohn behl ah-moor)
  • english:- Hello, my beautiful love.

Bonjour, mon étoile du matin.

  • pron: (bohn-zhoor, mohn ay-twahl dew mah-tahn)
  • english: – Good morning, my morning star.

Bonjour, mon amour de toujours.

  • pron:(bohn-zhoor, mohn ah-moor duh too-joor)
  • english: – Good morning, my love forever.

Salut, mon confident.

  • pronunciation:(sah-loo, mohn kohn-fee-dahn)
  • english: – Hi, my confidant.

Coucou, mon grand amour.

  • pron: (coo-coo, mohn grahnd ah-moor)
  • english: – Hey, my great love.

Hello, mon amour secret.

  • pron: (heh-loh, mohn ah-moor suh-kreh)
  • english:- Hello, my secret love.

Bonjour, mon amour passionné.

  • pron: (bohn-zhoor, mohn ah-moor pah-see-oh-nay)
  • english: – Good morning, my passionate love.

Bonjour, mon éternelle flamme.

  • pron:(bohn-zhoor, mohn ay-tehr-nell flahm)
  • english:- Good morning, my eternal flame.

Salut, mon doux trésor.

  • pron:v(sah-loo, mohn doo tray-zohr)
  • english:- Hi, my sweet treasure.

Coucou, mon unique amour.

  • pron: (coo-coo, mohn yoo-neek ah-moor)
  • english:- Hey, my only love.

46. Hello, mon amour sincère.

  • pron: (heh-loh, mohn ah-moor san-sehr)
  • english- Hello, my sincere love.

47. Bonjour, mon amour tendre.

  • (bohn-zhoor, mohn ah-moor tahndr)
  • Good morning, my tender love.

48. Bonjour, mon doux soleil.

  • (bohn-zhoor, mohn doo soh-lay)
  • Good morning, my sweet sun. Salut, mon amour infini.

49. Bonjour, mon amour tendre.

  • pron: (bohn-zhoor, mohn ah-moor tahndr)
  • english: Good morning, my tender love.

Bonjour, mon doux soleil.

  • (bohn-zhoor, mohn doo soh-lay)
  • English: good morning, my sweet sun.

Salut, mon amour infini.

  • (sah-loo, mohn ah-moor ahn-fee-nee)
  • Hi, my infinite love.

Coucou, mon précieux trésor.

  • (coo-coo, mohn pray-syoo tray-zohr)
  • hey, my precious treasure.

Hello, mon amour éclatant.

  • (heh-loh, mohn ah-moor ay-kla-tahn)
  • hello, my radiant love.

Bonjour, mon cœur tendre.

  • (bohn-zhoor, mohn kur tahndr)
  • good morning, my tender heart.

Bonjour, mon amour secret.

  • (bohn-zhoor, mohn ah-moor suh-kreh)
  • Good morning, my secret love.

Salut, mon éternel amour.

  • (sah-loo, mohn ay-tehr-nel ah-moor)
  • Hi, my eternal love.

Coucou, mon ange gardien.

  • (coo-coo, mohn ahnzh gahr-dyehn)
  • Hey, my guardian angel. Hello,

mon amour éternel.

  • (heh-loh, mohn ah-moor ay-tehr-nel)
  • Hello, my eternal love. Bonjour,

mon doux trésor.

  • (bohn-zhoor, mohn doo tray-zohr)
  • Good morning, my sweet treasure.

bonjour, mon étoile radieuse.

  • (bohn-zhoor, mohn ay-twahl rah-dyuhz)
  • Good morning, my radiant star.

Salut, mon amour unique.

  • (sah-loo, mohn ah-moor yoo-neek)
  • Hi, my unique love.

Coucou, mon amour précieux.

  • (coo-coo, mohn ah-moor pray-syoo)
  • Hey, my precious love.

Hello, mon doux amour.

  • (heh-loh, mohn doo ah-moor)
  • Hello, my sweet love.

In conclusion to how to say good morning my love in french

In conclusion, expressing “good morning my love” in French is a beautiful way to start the day with someone special. By saying “bonjour mon amour,” you convey warmth, affection, and care in just a few simple words. Whether it’s whispered softly or written in a message, this phrase holds the power to brighten someone’s day and deepen the bond between you and your loved one. I hope this helps you in building your love relationship with french women or men as i will see you in my next french love quote article.

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