Italian quotes about strength simply means a collection of phrases or sayings from Italy, written in Italian, that talk about the idea of being strong or resilient. Alongside each Italian quote. Here there is an English translation so non-Italian speakers can understand what each saying means.
These Italian quotes about strength often come from famous Italian proverbs, writers, or even everyday expressions. They can be about staying strong through tough times, having courage, or supporting each other. By translating these quotes into English, anyone who doesn’t speak Italian can still appreciate the wisdom or inspiration they offer.
Therefore, in this article, we will be discussing over 50 Italian quotes about strength with their english translations, pronunciation and make sentences with some of them. This is to help you learn them faster and become good italian speaker, so lets get into it now.
50 Italian quotes about strength with english translation and pronunciations
Below are list of 50Italian quotes about strenth with english translations. Each has its pronunciations and meaning so any body can understand it. Whether you are a beginner or not, this is for you.
Chi la dura la vince
- Pronunciation: Kee lah DOO-rah lah VEEN-cheh.
- Translation: “He who perseveres wins.”
- Meaning: This proverb emphasizes persistence, suggesting that those who stay strong and keep going eventually overcome their challenges.
La forza non arriva dalle vittorie
- Pronunciation: Lah FOR-tsah non ah-REE-vah DAH-leh vee-TOH-ree-eh.
- Translation: “Strength does not come from victories.”
- Meaning: True strength is built through struggle, not just from easy wins, showing that growth comes from enduring difficult times.
Non arrendersi mai.
- Pronunciation: Non ah-REHN-dehr-see mah-ee.
- Translation: “Never give up.”
- Meaning: This simple quote is a reminder of the importance of resilience and staying strong, even when things are tough.
Quando si chiude una porta, si apre un portone
- Pronunciation: KWAN-doh see KYOO-deh oo-nah POR-tah, see AH-preh oon por-TOH-neh.
- Translation: “When one door closes, another opens.”
- Meaning: This is about finding new opportunities after facing challenges, and the strength to keep looking ahead.
La speranza è l’ultima a morire
- Pronunciation: Lah speh-RAN-zah eh LOOL-tee-mah ah moh-REE-reh.
- Translation: “Hope is the last to die.”
- Meaning: Even in hard times, hope stays alive, giving people strength to endure and keep going.
Ogni ostacolo è un’opportunità
- Pronunciation: OH-nyee oh-STAH-koh-loh eh oon-oh-por-too-nee-TAH.
- Translation: “Every obstacle is an opportunity.”
- Meaning: This reminds us that challenges often carry hidden benefits and can lead to growth.
La calma è la virtù dei forti
- Pronunciation: Lah KAHL-mah eh lah veer-TOO day FOR-tee.
- Translation: “Calmness is the virtue of the strong.”
- Meaning: Those who stay calm during crises show real strength, as it takes courage to keep control under pressure.
Dopo la pioggia, viene il sereno
- Pronunciation: DOH-poh lah PYO-jah vee-EH-neh eel seh-REH-noh.
- Translation: “After the rain comes the calm.”
- Meaning: Tough times don’t last forever, and strength means waiting for better days that inevitably come after hardship.
Chi non risica, non rosica.
- Pronunciation: Kee non REE-see-kah, non ROH-see-kah.
- Translation: “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
- Meaning: This means that taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone is a sign of strength and leads to rewards.
“Nessuna notte è così lunga da non permettere al sole di sorgere
- Pronunciation: Neh-SOO-nah NOT-teh eh koh-ZEE LOON-gah dah non pehr-MET-teh-reh ahl SOH-leh dee SOR-jeh-reh.
- Translation: “No night is so long that it prevents the sun from rising.”
- Meaning: No matter how tough things get, strength comes from knowing that every hardship has an end.
L’unione fa la forza.
- Pronunciation: LOO-nee-OH-neh fah lah FOR-tsah.
- Translation: “Unity makes strength.”
- Meaning: Strength often comes from standing together and supporting one another through shared challenges.
Essere forti non significa non cadere mai, ma rialzarsi sempre.
- Pronunciation: ESS-eh-reh FOR-tee non seen-YEE-fee-kah non kah-DEH-reh mah-ee, mah ree-ahl-ZAHR-see SEM-preh.
- Translation: “Being strong doesn’t mean never falling, but always getting back up.”
- Meaning: Real strength is about resilience and the ability to recover from setbacks.
Chi ha coraggio trova sempre la via.
- Pronunciation: Kee ah koh-RAHJ-oh TROH-vah SEM-preh lah VEE-ah.
- Translation: “Those who have courage always find a way.”
- Meaning: Bravery helps people find solutions, even when the path is unclear or challenging.
Nella vita, nulla è impossibile
- Pronunciation: NEL-lah VEE-tah, NOOL-lah eh eem-POH-see-bee-leh.
- Translation: “In life, nothing is impossible.”
- Meaning: With strength and determination, people can achieve what might initially seem out of reach.
15. Solo i deboli si arrendono
- Pronunciation: SOH-loh ee DEH-boh-lee see ah-REN-deh-noh.
- Translation: “Only the weak give up.”
- Meaning: Strength is about refusing to surrender, showing courage even when things seem tough.
16. Chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta
- Pronunciation: Kee SEH-mee-nah VEN-toh rah-KOHL-yee tem-PEHS-tah.
- Translation: “He who sows the wind reaps the storm.”
- Meaning: This reminds us that negative actions bring negative consequences, and strength is in acting wisely.
17. La vita è fatta di piccoli passi.”
- Pronunciation: Lah VEE-tah eh FAHT-tah dee PEEK-oh-lee PAH-see.
- Translation: “Life is made of small steps.”
- Meaning: Strength lies in persistence and small, consistent efforts that eventually lead to big achievements.
18. Non c’è rosa senza spine
- Pronunciation: Non cheh ROH-zah SEN-zah SPEE-neh.
- Translation: “There is no rose without thorns.”
- Meaning: Beautiful things come with challenges; strength is in accepting both the joys and the difficulties in life.
19. Se non hai coraggio, non farai mai nulla
- Pronunciation: Seh non ah-ee koh-RAHJ-oh, non fah-RAHY mah-ee NOOL-lah.
- Translation: “If you don’t have courage, you will achieve nothing.”
- Meaning: Courage is essential for any accomplishment; true strength is in overcoming fear to take action.
20. La forza di volontà muove le montagne
- Pronunciation: Lah FOR-tsah dee voh-lohn-TAH MOO-oh-veh leh mohn-TAH-nyeh.
- Translation: “The strength of will moves mountains.”
- Meaning: With determination and inner strength, even the toughest obstacles can be overcome.
21. Il coraggio è resistere, non arrendersi
- Pronunciation: Eel koh-RAHJ-oh eh reh-ZEES-teh-reh, non ah-REN-dehr-see.
- Translation: “Courage is to resist, not to surrender.”
- Meaning: Real courage is in standing firm, showing that strength is about enduring rather than giving up.
22. Chi soffre, sa
- Pronunciation: Kee SOH-freh, sah.
- Translation: “He who suffers, knows.”
- Meaning: Strength is gained through experience, especially through hardships that bring wisdom and understanding.
23. Un uomo forte affronta i problemi, non li evita
- Pronunciation: Oon WOH-moh FOR-teh ahf-FROHN-tah ee proh-BLEH-mee, non lee EH-vee-tah.
- Translation: “A strong man faces problems, he does not avoid them.”
- Meaning: True strength means tackling issues head-on instead of ignoring or avoiding them.
24. Non lasciare mai che la paura ti fermi
- Pronunciation: Non lah-SHAH-reh mah-ee keh lah pah-OO-rah tee FEHR-mee.
- Translation: “Never let fear stop you.”
- Meaning: Strength involves overcoming fear to pursue your goals, showing courage in the face of obstacles.
25. Sii forte, perché le cose belle arrivano a chi lotta
- Pronunciation: See FOR-teh, pehr-KEH leh KO-zeh BEL-leh ah-REE-vah-noh ah kee LOT-tah.
- Translation: “Be strong, because beautiful things come to those who fight.”
- Meaning: Strength and perseverance lead to good things, encouraging resilience in order to reach meaningful rewards.
26. a pazienza è la virtù dei forti
- Pronunciation: Lah pah-ZYEN-zah eh lah veer-TOO day FOR-tee.
- Translation: “Patience is the virtue of the strong.”
- Meaning: Patience requires strength and self-control, and it’s often the most resilient who can wait for what they want.
27. Chi cade sette volte, si rialza otto.”
- Pronunciation: Kee KAH-deh SET-teh VOL-teh, see ree-ahl-ZAH OT-toh.
- Translation: “He who falls seven times gets up eight.”
- Meaning: Resilience means getting back up every time you fall, showing that strength is about never staying down.
28. Alla fine, tutto si sistemerà.
- Pronunciation: AH-lah FEE-neh, TOO-toh see see-steh-meh-RAH.
- Translation: “In the end, everything will work out.”
- Meaning: Strength is in trusting that challenges will eventually resolve, giving hope even in uncertain times.
29. La vita è un’avventura da vivere con coraggio.
- Pronunciation: Lah VEE-tah eh oon-ah-ven-TOO-rah dah VEE-veh-reh kon koh-RAHJ-oh.
- Translation: “Life is an adventure to live with courage.”
- Meaning: Facing life bravely makes the journey worthwhile; strength is in embracing challenges as part of the adventure.
30. Il destino aiuta gli audaci
- Pronunciation: Eel deh-STEE-noh eye-OO-tah leey ow-DAH-chee.
- Translation: “Destiny helps the bold.”
- Meaning: Fortune favors those who are courageous, highlighting that strength often leads to good outcomes.
31. La fortuna aiuta chi osa.”
- Pronunciation: Lah for-TOO-nah eye-OO-tah kee OH-sah.
- Translation: “Luck helps those who dare.”
- Meaning: Strength means having the courage to take risks, and often, luck follows those who are brave.
32. Se cadi, rialzati
- Pronunciation: Seh KAH-dee, ree-AHL-zah-tee.
- Translation: “If you fall, get up.”
- Meaning: A reminder that resilience and strength are shown in the ability to stand back up after setbacks.
33. Non c’è coraggio senza paura.”
- Pronunciation: Non cheh koh-RAHJ-oh SEN-zah pah-OO-rah.
- Translation: “There is no courage without fear.”
- Meaning: Strength involves feeling fear but choosing to move forward anyway; fear is part of the journey to bravery.
34. Il futuro appartiene a chi crede nella bellezza dei propri sogni
- Pronunciation: Eel foo-TOO-roh ah-par-TYEH-neh ah kee KREH-deh NEL-lah bel-LEH-tseh day PROH-pree SOHN-yee.
- Translation: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
- Meaning: Strength is in believing in one’s dreams and working toward them, trusting that this dedication will lead to a brighter future.
35. Sorridi, anche quando è difficile.
- Pronunciation: Sor-REE-dee, AHN-keh KWAHN-doh eh dee-FEE-chee-leh.
- Translation: “Smile, even when it’s hard.”
- Meaning: Smiling through challenges is a sign of inner strength, as it shows resilience and hope despite difficulties.
36. Non tutti i mali vengono per nuocere
- Pronunciation: Non TOO-tee ee MAH-lee VEN-go-noh per NOH-che-reh.
- Translation: “Not all bad things come to harm.”
- Meaning: Sometimes, difficult situations lead to positive outcomes; true strength is in seeing the silver lining in tough moments.
37. La vita è dura ma tu lo sei di più.
- Pronunciation: Lah VEE-tah eh DOO-rah mah TOO loh seh dee PYO.
- Translation: “Life is hard, but you are harder.”
- Meaning: This quote is about inner toughness, reminding us that we are stronger than the challenges life throws at us.
38. Non c’è forza senza debolezza
- Pronunciation: Non cheh FOR-tsah SEN-zah deh-boh-LEH-tsah.
- Translation: “There is no strength without weakness.”
- Meaning: Strength is about acknowledging vulnerability; facing our weaknesses makes us stronger.
39. Trova la forza nel profondo di te stesso.
- Pronunciation: TROH-vah lah FOR-tsah nel proh-FON-doh dee teh STESS-oh.
- Translation: “Find strength deep within yourself.”
- Meaning: True power comes from within; this quote encourages looking inward to find the resilience needed to overcome obstacles.
40. Ciò che non ti uccide, ti rende più forte
- Pronunciation: CHOH keh non tee oo-CHEE-deh tee REN-deh pyoo FOR-teh.
- Translation: “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
- Meaning: Difficult experiences build resilience, transforming challenges into sources of inner strength.
41. Per aspera ad astra
- Pronunciation: Per AHS-peh-rah ad AH-strah.
- Translation: “Through hardships to the stars.”
- Meaning: Originating in Latin but used in Italian, this quote means that greatness is often achieved through adversity, and strength is found in enduring trials.
42. Essere forte è una scelta
- Pronunciation: ESS-eh-reh FOR-teh eh OO-nah SHEL-tah.
- Translation: “Being strong is a choice.”
- Meaning: Strength doesn’t just happen—it’s a decision to face challenges with courage and resilience.
43. La vita è un dono, vivila con coraggio
- Pronunciation: Lah VEE-tah eh oon DOH-noh, VEE-vee-lah kon koh-RAHJ-oh.
- Translation: “Life is a gift, live it with courage.”
- Meaning: This quote suggests embracing life fully, including its challenges, as a sign of strength and appreciation.
44. Le difficoltà forgiano il carattere.
- Pronunciation: Leh dee-fee-kohl-TA for-JAH-noh eel kah-RAHT-te-reh.
- Translation: “Difficulties forge character.”
- Meaning: Facing challenges shapes and strengthens our character, making us who we are.
45. Con il tempo, ogni ferita guarisce.
- Pronunciation: Kohn eel TEM-poh, OHN-yee feh-REE-tah gwah-REE-seh.
- Translation: “With time, every wound heals.”
- Meaning: Time brings healing, and strength often lies in being patient and allowing ourselves to recover.
46. La vera forza è dentro di te
- Pronunciation: Lah VEH-rah FOR-tsah eh DEN-troh dee teh.
- Translation: “True strength is within you.”
- Meaning: This quote highlights that inner strength is the most powerful, as it comes from deep within ourselves.
47. Affronta la tempesta con coraggio
- Pronunciation: Ahf-FROHN-tah lah tem-PEH-stah kohn koh-RAHJ-oh.
- Translation: “Face the storm with courage.”
- Meaning: Facing challenges head-on is a true sign of strength, no matter how difficult the circumstances.
48. La forza di andare avanti viene dal cuore.
- Pronunciation: Lah FOR-tsah dee ahn-DAH-reh ah-VAHN-tee vee-EH-neh dahl KWOH-reh.
- Translation: “The strength to move forward comes from the heart.”
- Meaning: True resilience and the will to keep going are often rooted in emotional strength and passion. this Italian quotes about strength involves emotions.
49. È nelle difficoltà che scopriamo la nostra forza
- Pronunciation: Eh NEL-leh dee-fee-kohl-TA keh skoh-PREE-ah-moh lah NOS-trah FOR-tsah.
- Translation: “In difficulties, we discover our strength.”
- Meaning: It’s during tough times that we uncover our true potential and realize how strong we really are.
50. Un passo alla volta si arriva lontano
- Pronunciation: Oon PAH-soh AH-lah VOL-tah see ah-REE-vah lohn-TAH-noh.
- Translation: “One step at a time, you reach far.”
- Meaning: Strength doesn’t require rushing; small, steady efforts lead to significant accomplishments over time.
How to Pronounce Italian Strength Quotes Like a Native
When it come to ronuncing italian languages, it is really difficult to many. The truth is that you don’t need to be an expert in Italian to sound natural! Here are some quick tips to help you get the pronunciation right:
1. Learn Basic Italian Sounds
Italian is phonetic, meaning words are pronounced just as they’re written. Vowels in Italian are usually short and clear:
A sounds like “ah” as in “father.”
E sounds like “eh” (similar to “bed”).
I sounds like “ee” (as in “see”).
O sounds like “oh” (like in “or”).
U sounds like “oo” (as in “food”).
2. Accent on the Second-to-Last Syllable
In most Italian words, the emphasis is on the second-to-last syllable. For example:
Forza (FOR-tsah) means “strength.”
Coraggio (koh-RAHJ-oh) means “courage.”
3. Roll the R’s
Italians pronounce the letter “R” with a light roll, which gives their speech a musical quality. Practice rolling your R’s slightly for an authentic sound.
4. Double Consonants Matter
When a word has double letters, like in forza or forte, pronounce the letter a bit longer or stronger than you normally would. For example, forte (FOR-teh) means “strong,” but fortissimo (for-TEE-see-moh) means “very strong.”
5. Keep a Steady Flow
Italian is a fluid language, so try to avoid pauses between syllables. Each sound should connect smoothly into the next to keep a natural rhythm.
6. Use Practice Phrases
Try practicing with common Italian strength phrases, like:
“Non mollare mai” (Non mo-LA-reh mai) – “Never give up.”
“Tieni duro” (tee-EH-nee DOO-roh) – “Hold strong.”
These tips will help you sound more like a native Italian speaker as you practice saying these beautiful strength quotes. With a little practice, you’ll be sounding authentic in no time! SEE ALSO ITALINA PHRASES ABOUT LOVE AND LIFE.
In conclusion, learning how to pronounce Italian quotes about strength is a fun and helpful way to connect with the language and culture. By focusing on the sounds of the vowels, stressing the right syllables, and practicing important phrases, you can improve your speaking skills and sound more like a native speaker.
It does not matter if you use these quotes for motivation, inspiration, or personal growth, saying them correctly will help you share their powerful meanings with others. Start practicing today and see how easy it is to express strength in Italian. SEE MORE ON PINTEREST